Take Back Your Power As A Woman

Does giving to others consume your day and you rarely get the opportunity to focus on yourself or receive little in return? You are among good company. Women are notorious for stretching themselves thin and overcommitting. If you’re struggling to understand how to gain control, today’s article offers advice on how to balance your life and take back your power as a woman.

Life happens and continues to happen even when the desire to turn things off is present. Can you relate? Remembering how I neglected my own desires and forgot about all my dreams because I could not see the forest for the trees. Not because I didn’t want to see but because I was suffocated with the requests of everyone else around me which made it hard to breathe.

Although living at that address for a while with the right encouragement and mindset things shifted. Let me share how you too as a woman with many talents and abilities can take back your power.

#1 – Stop allowing others to misuse your time and resources.

If given the opportunity, individuals with the wrong motivations can take advantage of you. They will manipulate you into investing all your time and talents into the things they desire with no intentions of reciprocating the support. Because your heart is to help others, you will be misused.  In these situations, you must learn how to recognize deception and know how to say ‘no’ when asked to do things that do not align with your personal values or prohibit your purpose from moving forward.

#2 – Stop apologizing for being so awesome.

You were created to be one of a kind. As such, you have special gifts that are specific to you as an individual. Instead of apologizing to others for this, continue to develop a healthy self-image of yourself. One way I do this is to recite a personal affirmation that reminds me of my uniqueness. My affirmation goes like this…

  • I am different.

  • I am a trendsetter.

  • I can do things that others are afraid to attempt.

  • My mind is brilliant.

  • I am valuable.

  • My creativity flows from God.

  • I am a fearless leader commissioned to elevate an army of women.

#3 – Stop living in the face of your past mistakes and bad choices.

Life is about choices and the right to choose. There are times we don’t make the best decision. Quite frankly, there are several opportunities to make bad choices. However, you can always redeem yourself. Let the past be your personal teacher rather than a force that holds you back. Instead, release the weight of your past mistakes and exercise the power of forgiveness. Forgive yourself and move on to the next victory.

Your power is the center of your influence. Stop giving it away. Make a conscious decision every day to take back your power as a woman and start living again.



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